Experience Prototypistのマルチリンガル子育て+プログラミングブログ

Design Thinking、語学(英語、中国語、韓国語)、日中マルチリンガル育児、littleBitsやRaspberry Pi, Arduinoを使ったExperience Prototypingネタ。

TOPIK: Pay JPY 4,400 to Buy a Pen

Today I bought a pen. It was possibly made in Korea, because it reads “monami AUDENA ”, partly in Hangul on it. It was JPY 4,400 so I can say it was expensive as a pen like this.
Sorry, I have been just kidding you. Today I took a TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) in Tokyo. The pen was provided by the Test Center to mark a single answer from a multiple-choice with. In Japan, a (mechanical) pencil is used for this type of testing, so you can mark another answer after rub out the marked with an eraser. But for TOPIK, you should prepare a sideway correction tape to white out what you marked. The tape will not provided by the Test Center. In short, JPY 4,400 does include marking material, but not an unmarking material.
Have you ever taken a computer-scored test like this? What writing material did you use at that time?

今天我買了一枝簽字筆。這枝筆可能是韓國製造的,因為筆的表面印有韓文“monami AUDENA ”。這枝筆得花四千四百日元,所以我覺得非常貴。

對不起! 以上都只是開玩笑的。今天我參加了韓文能力考試(TOPIC: Test of Proficiency in Korean)。為了劃答題卡,主辦單位提供了這枝簽字筆。不過像在日本考試的時候一般用鉛筆,或者自動鉛筆。這樣的話,如果你劃錯答案的話,用橡皮擦掉就好了。但是在韓文能力考試時,你得用自己的訂正帶把原本的答案塗掉。總之四千四百日元只包括了筆的費用,不包括訂正帶。

你有參加過標記卡的考試嗎? 那個時候你是用那一種筆作答的呢?

오늘 저는 펜을 샀어요. 아마 그 펜은 한국제이것 같아요. 왜냐하면 그펜에는 한국말로 “monami AUDENA ”라고 씌여 있었기 때문이에요. 4,400엔이에요. 보통 펜로서 비싸써요.

미안해요, 농담이에요! 오늘 한국어 능력 시험(TOPIK, http://topik.or.kr/) 있었어요. 그 펜은 주최측이 준비 한 거에요. 일본에는 연필랑 샤프펜슬로 쓰면 지우개로 지울 수 있어요. 그러나 TOPIK에는 펜으로 쓰면 지울 때에는 수정테이프로 지워야해요. 수정테이프는 필요한 사람이 사야돼요.

여러분 마크 시트 시험을 치르는 때 연필로 써요? 펜으로 써요?

CD付 合格できる韓国語能力試験 初級・中級

CD付 合格できる韓国語能力試験 初級・中級