Experience Prototypistのマルチリンガル子育て+プログラミングブログ

Design Thinking、語学(英語、中国語、韓国語)、日中マルチリンガル育児、littleBitsやRaspberry Pi, Arduinoを使ったExperience Prototypingネタ。

Taking an HSK Exam

I took an HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, 汉语水平考试) exam at Waseda University today. HSK is a Chinese exam which is equivalent to TOEFL in that the score will be used for entering a university.

Looking back, two years and a half have passed since I took the HSK last time. The room was quite full of students, possibly because of the character of this exam, but around one tenth seems to be people who are older than I.

As I was spending rather busy days for the week, I coudn't make any preparation. Still I surmised that I've got better than the last time. As it will take nearly two months to get the result, so I will change my gear to Korean for preparation of TOPIK(Test Of Proficiency In Korean) next month.